Book Cover Design
Knut Lundby Religion i medienes grep
Client: Universitetsforlaget
Cover design and illustration for the academic book Religion i medienes grep (Religion in the grip of the media). Religion is controversial. Fewer people believe in God, and organized religion in Norway is declining. At the same time, religion is well visible in the media picture. What is the connection between our perception of religion and the grip of the media? The book sheds light on the mediatisation through fifty years, from only one television channel, to today’s digital battle for attention.
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The endpapers feature a cloudy sky (heaven). The clouds are in this case a metaphor for the vast amount of storaged media files which in a way blocks the access to our father above.
The cover illustration is based on the symbol/pictogram for a place of prayer. On his evening walk, the designer got an idea. Almost every person he passed had a blue light reflected on their face, from the screen that they are constantly staring into. By connecting the aforementioned symbol with this situation, he made a sketch for a sculpture. It will be about five meters tall and placed in a central city location, perhaps outside a church. 3D-Rendering by Sigbjørn Windingstad.